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Using Curl 7.16 on Windows-XP to get .CSV files over https connection

From: Mahesh Ramamurthy <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:19:12 -0500

Hi All,

  I'm a novice in Curl. I currently have Curl 7.16.0 on my Windows-XP
machine. I need to download a .CSV file over a https connection.

  The command I use is

* curl -p proxy:port -o test.cvs **
https://LinkToThe* <https://LinkToTheSecureSite>*SecureSite<https://LinkToThe>
The data contained in the CSV file on the Https server is being printed
correctly on the Command Window. The test.csv on my local drive just
contains the error message
*<html><h1>Internal SmartFilter error has occurred.<p>Please contact your
site administrator for further information.<p></h1></html>*
Is it an errror on one of networks (My network or the hosting network) or
I'm doing something wrong/missing anything.

Thank You for your help.



Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
Received on 2006-12-11