cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Support for SSL V2

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:26:09 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, wrote:

(There's no need to send mails to curl-users-bounces)

> but did my firewall (not exactly a server) respond or did it accept the
> connection ?

What weird kind of firewall would "respond" when you're communicating with a
remote server? Or are you perhaps talking directly with the firewall's HTTPS

I guess you'd have to use some sniffer or something to tell since the SSL cert
verification fails so in the SSL layer curl cannot tell who it speaks to.

> Whay is the meaning of the last lines in the command output:
> * Empty reply from server
> * Connection #0 to host left intact
> curl: (52) Empty reply from server
> * Closing connection #0
> "curl:(52)" appears to be an error code corresponding to "the server didn't
> reply anything, which here i sconsidered an error" in the man page.

It means the server didn't respond with a valid HTTP response, but simply
dropped the connection (after it had connected successfully). A proper HTTP
response will always at least contain a set of HTTP headers.

And please don't top-post.

List admin:
Received on 2008-11-27