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RE: Problem in posting filename=""

From: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 14:20:47 +0530

 Actually after we post this form, as per the actual URL it should have
an entry in webtool logs that data has been sent and but posting form
now is not making any such entry in the webtool logs. That means URL is
not performing any function afetr receiving the form data.

Earlier, I was getting "Expectation failed" Error from the server, then
what I did, I appended "Expect:" to the header list. After that it is
working fine. Can it be the problem.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dan Fandrich
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Problem in posting filename=""

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 01:19:30PM +0530,
> With "nul:" it worked fine form me setting filename="" in the form
> data, My debug file shows that it sent the form data exactly as
> required for the URL.


> But still it seems no effect on the URL.

On the URL? Why would form data affect the URL?

> The only difference between my form data and live HTTP Header form
> data post is
> One field name which is like
> name="STATE" value="!-7b45f8aa"
> This value is the random one and getting incremented every time (i.e.
> next time if you do post or get to this URL session) The value will be

> value="!-7b45f8a9 "
> Is this problem is due to this field.

What's the problem?

> Can this form be posted without this filed name also.

I don't see what you're asking. If you don't want a field to be sent,
don't fill it in in the form.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-12-12