cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Using Client Certificates with Curl

From: Michael Naef <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 12:10:28 +0100


I am using Curl 6.4. with OpenSSL 0.9.4. and I can't get Curl to send my
client certificate to an SSL-enabled server. The certificate I use is
taken from Netscape (PKCS12 format) and converted to PEM using the
 ./openssl pkcs12 -in mcert.p12 -out mcert.pem

Now, when I do
 ./curl -E ./mcert.pem
I get the following output:
  Enter PEM pass phrase:
  curl: (35) couldn't use certificate!

Hence, I can enter the password to my private key but still get the
error message that Curl (or OpenSSL?) can't use my certificate.

That's all I know. Does anybody have an idea as to why this doesn't
work? Any help is appreciated.


Michael Naef, Security Services, Payserv AG
Hardturmstr. 201, Postfach, CH-8021 Zurich
phone: +41 1 279 27 36, e-mail:
Received on 2000-03-16