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Re: Fetching content with browser works fine, curl fails with error 500 (curl.exe)

From: Brian Dessent <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 14:26:41 -0800

> Jens Bonerz wrote:

> What I have been basically doing until last week was sending a request
> to my webserver that called a page within phpmyadmin. in this request
> i posted all necessary get variables to initiate a database dump and
> have it sent to my computer (as an sql file).

Why don't you just do (using pubkey auth):

ssh machine 'mysqldump --opt -u username -p password database | gzip -'
> mydump.sql.gz

Going to all the trouble of faking a request to phpmyadmin just seems
like the hard way.

Received on 2006-03-23