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Re: nonSSL version of curl on WinXP

From: Staffan Löfberg <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 14:35:54 +0200

Hello Daniel

I have found the problem. It was a mix of faulty errorcodes in the AS/400
and wrong password.

Now I have got it to work perfectly on sending the file but have trouble
understanding the syntax of -Q (quote) in connection with sending the file.

If someone could send me an example I would be extemly greatful.

I use the following command:

H:\>c:\curl -v -T c:\hkcord.txt -u user**:passw*** -Q rcmd "qsys/call bisut
v/hkc820ctst parm('m8')";type=A
* Could not resolve host: qsys; Host not found
* Closing connection #0

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: qsys; Host not found
* About to connect() to port 21
* Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 21
< 220-QTCP at BETA.HKC.SE.
< 220 Connection will close if idle more than 10 minutes.
> USER butscandts
< 331 Enter password.
> PASS cede32mer
< 230 BUTSCANDTS logged on.
< 257 "BISTEST" is current library.
* Entry path is 'BISTEST'
> rcmd
< 501 Missing OS/400 Control Language command.
* QUOT command failed with 501
* Remembering we are in dir hkc820f.m8
* Connection #0 to host left intact
curl: (21) QUOT command failed with 501
* Closing connection #0
Staffan Löfberg
Tel direkt +46 40 25 85 82
Mobil +46 70 600 88 25

Netorom AB
Box 9160, 200 39 Malmö, Sweden
Tel växel +46 40 25 85 80
Fax +46 40 25 85 89
Received on 2006-04-26