cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Easy "POST" question but cannot figure it out!!

From: Alessandro Vesely <>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:48:54 +0100 wrote:
>>> < Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=AAAA; path=/
> When I try to login using firefox it's using cookie XXXX while
> curl is trying to use cookie YYYY, which is why it's not working
> correctly.

XXXX and YYYY are the _session id_'s. See e.g.

The server puts a cookie name=id, where name defaults to PHPSESSID
and id is generated randomly. According to that usage pattern, on
the server id is the filename of a temporary file in a preconfigured
directory. The server is then able to annotate any value it likes
in the temporary file. It is normal to get different sessions when
accessing the same site with different browsers.

Different usage patterns are common for permanent cookies. They may
directly hold values, or hold the keys to retrieve those values from
a users database. And they can bind with authentication mechanisms.
Received on 2007-11-17