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Re: Is there a way to get more info when you encounter CURLE_FAILED_INIT

From: Ray Satiro via curl-users <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 03:01:15 -0400

On 7/3/2017 6:32 PM, Brian Antonczak wrote:
> Im fairly new to libcurl, but I have managed to get it compiled and
> successful post to a URL using VS2013 (compiled using: nmake /f
> mode=dll VC=12 in the WINBUILD folder), and Im now trying
> to get the same code to work in VS2010 (compiled using: nmake /f
> mode=dll VC=10 in the WINBUILD folder) however whenever I
> run curl_easy_perform I get the return code CURLE_FAILED_INIT.
> Im having difficulty getting more information as to what I am missing
> or doing wrong. Is there a way I get debug or get more info? I’m
> very baffled as to why one works in VS2013 but fails in VS2010.

I can't reproduce this. I built libcurl from a VS2010 command prompt
using the same command you did and then switched to the directory
containing the DLL and built and ran the simple.c example:

cd ..\builds\libcurl-vc10-x86-release-dll-ipv6-sspi-winssl\bin
cl ..\..\..\docs\examples\simple.c /I..\include ..\lib\libcurl.lib

Try that and see if it works. If not see if CURLOPT_VERBOSE [1] gives
any clue. If not please include in your reply a self contained example
with a minimal amount of code that can be used to reproduce.


Received on 2017-07-04