
Re: Windows builds

From: Oleg Pudeyev <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 14:26:51 -0500

On Wed, 18 Dec 2013 13:43:03 +0100
"Gisle Vanem" <> wrote:

> It would be much easier if could link against the import-lib
> of libcurl. As it is written now (static libcurl.lib), it must link
> with all the external libs libcurl depends on. E.g. gdi32.lib,
> wldap32.lib, winmm.lib etc.

Which package are you using that has a libcurl_imp.lib?

When I built libcurl from source I got a bunch of different editions
under build directory. As you can see in, I selected the
edition I wanted via --curl-dir. If that edition is a DLL, pycurl will
link against the libcurl DLL.

gdi32.lib etc. are all standard windows libraries and included by
default in command lines generated by visual studio, so trying to link
against them should be harmless.

> So why isn't 'CURL_STATICLIB' removed by default?

I will need to research what CURL_STATICLIB does before I can answer
that. 322456d1 is the commit that added it back in 2004.

> The "-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" should IMHO be default since inet_ntop()
> is not present in ws2_32.dll on Win-XP. Only Vista+.

Good point, I forgot about that. But I will add an option to change its
value for people who want to get the newer functionality.

Received on 2013-12-18