
Re: PyCurl and WinSSL

From: Oleg Pudeyev <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:24:32 -0500

You would need to have multiple threads going to see crashes, if any.
Pycurl has been running on travis without thread locks for months
without any crashes.

The first step would be to locate winssl's equivalent of the following

Googling "winssl" does not lead me to msdn so the official apis must be
called something else.


On Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:53:45 +0100
"Gisle Vanem" <> wrote:

> I don't pretent to understand all the crypto-locking stuff in
> pycurl.c. The pycurl_ssl_init() calls etc. for OpenSSL, nss and
> GnuTLS. I've built my libcurl (MSVC) with WinSSL and it all seems to
> work just fine w/o any locking. Is this the case?
> A small test (essentially example/ retrieves a .html from
> just fine AFAICS.
> And here is the version output from
> print >>sys.stderr, 'Testing', pycurl.version
> Testing PycURL/ libcurl/7.34.1-DEV WinSSL zlib/1.2.8
> c-ares/1.10.1-DEV WinIDN libssh2/1.4.4_DEV nghttp2/0.3.0
> (allthough the above libssh2 uses OpenSSL, my libcurl doesn't)
> --gv
> _______________________________________________

Received on 2014-01-15