cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Segmentation fault with v7.9.8 of libcurl

From: Uday Singh <>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 03:07:28 -0800 (PST)

Hi Daniel,

1. I have a multi-threaded app running on Linux.
2. The app opens multiple connections (a couple of ftp connection to the same
FTP server, but looking for different directories) and uses the ftp connections
to GET files, and at the same time it open couple of HTTP connections to the
same host (but at a different port) to upload those files.
3. After the file is fetched from the ftp directory, the code goes on to use
the same curl instance to perform a "rename" operation to move the files out of
the FTP directory.

All this works great if the number of files in the source FTP directory is like
4 or 5. As I began stress testing this code, I places 100 files in the ftp
directory and the app fetches each one of the files in a sequential order (one
thread work with one curl instance, no sharing of the instance across threads)
and uploads them to a HTTP location and renames the files.

When I started doing this kind of testing, I consistently saw segmentation
fault inside the libcurl. Do you know of this bug???

So I downloaded the latest stable version 7.10.3. And the problem seems to have
gone away. Here is the more pertinent question: Have any changes been done in
the subsequent release after 7.9.8 to address this bug? I just want to make
sure that infact the bug was known and has been fixed, and not just my luck
that it hasn't shown up after the upgrade.

Thanks a bunch.

- Uday Singh


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Received on 2003-03-08