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RE: Curl 7.10.4-pre3 on HP-UX using GCC v3.2

From: Fisk, Kevin <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 16:51:12 -0800

Daniel's recent message said the CVS version of configure was changed
today to remove the if_ether because it was unneeded.

Thanks for your help. I'll try that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Jones []
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: Curl 7.10.4-pre3 on HP-UX using GCC v3.2

well, i managed to hack around the select/gettimeofday/strftim stuff by
wrapping the include of limits.h with an ifndef __hpux.

however, I was not able to hack around the if_ether.h problem with
simply adding an include of if_arp.h - if_arp.h wants a definition for
u_char or somesuch and is unhappywithout it.

why does libcurl need if_ether.h anyway? i didn't know it was trying to
do anything at the link-level.

rick jones

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Received on 2003-03-12