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Re: curl-7.11.1 questions.

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:15:08 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Maya Youlzari wrote:

(Please don't post HTML mails here.)

> 1. In case of CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE error the QUIT command (before
> disconnecting) always cause a function Curl_GetFTPResponse() to stuck until
> time out occurred.

It sounds like a bug. When the transfer is prematurely aborted it is often due
to a bad network and then I think we should not send the final QUIT command.
Would you be able to provide a patch?

> It was not happened in version 7.11.0, because this functionality did not
> exist.

Right, the QUIT is rather new.

> Besides that, the QUIT command does not executed in usual disconnect but
> only when some error occurred. Should the QUIT command be executed on every
> disconnection?

The QUIT command is sent before the control connection is closed, unless a
problem with the connection was detected. It is not only sent when an error
has occurred, at least not in my versions and everyone elses' that run all the
ftp test cases fine.

> Why, actually, the QUIT command does not get quick response from the server,
> in other words what the difference compared with other FTP commands?

There's no difference. I guess that when you get a PARTIAL_FILE error the
control connection as well is dead or similar, and that is probably why the
response doesn't arrive and curl times out waiting for it (or similar).

You should be able to figure out the details, you have all the info.

> 2. When using CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE option in case of upload, the
> data->set.infilesize receives 107374182400 in spite of the original value is
> 25.

And you are providing a value that is a curl_off_t variable? This looks like
you're providing a value that is not using the correct variable size.

> An option CURLOPT_INFILESIZE is working well but it should not support large
> files, should it.

No it doesn't, it only takes a long variable.

     Daniel Stenberg -- --
      Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
Received on 2004-04-20