cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: how to write the lock funcition in share interface

From: Yi Li <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 17:10:30 -0700

Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Jan 2006, Yi Li wrote:
>> I witten a program to use share interface in multi_thread environment.
> ...
>> I'm not sure if I writen the program correctly. the attachment is the
>> program.
> This program doesn't set the lock or unlock function callbacks with
> curl_share_setopt(), so using this share multi-threaded is bound to
> cause a memory mess.
> What parts of the docs did you think was so bad that made you skip this?
from the lib506.c in tests, it appears that the lock and unlock callback
are only needed when you want to mutex your data in multi_threads. In my
program, I don't have such data. in such case, those callbacks are still
needed? What am I going to do in those callbacks. Just give a empty

the sample code from lib506.c:

/* struct containing data of a thread */
struct Tdata {
  CURLSH *share;
  char *url;

struct userdata {
  char *text;
  int counter;

/* lock callback */
void lock(CURL *handle, curl_lock_data data, curl_lock_access access,
          void *useptr )
  const char *what;
  struct userdata *user = (struct userdata *)useptr;


  switch ( data ) {
      what = "share";
      what = "dns";
      what = "cookie";
      fprintf(stderr, "lock: no such data: %d\n", (int)data);
  printf("lock: %-6s <%s>: %d\n", what, user->text, user->counter);

/* unlock callback */
void unlock(CURL *handle, curl_lock_data data, void *useptr )
  const char *what;
  struct userdata *user = (struct userdata *)useptr;
  switch ( data ) {
      what = "share";
      what = "dns";
      what = "cookie";
      fprintf(stderr, "unlock: no such data: %d\n", (int)data);
  printf("unlock: %-6s <%s>: %d\n", what, user->text, user->counter);

/* build host entry */
struct curl_slist *sethost(struct curl_slist *headers)
  return curl_slist_append(NULL, HOSTHEADER );

/* the dummy thread function */
void *fire(void *ptr)
  CURLcode code;
  struct curl_slist *headers;
  struct Tdata *tdata = (struct Tdata*)ptr;
  CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
  int i=0;

  headers = sethost(NULL);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, (void*)headers);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, (void*)tdata->url);
  printf( "CURLOPT_SHARE\n" );
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SHARE, (void*)tdata->share);

  printf( "PERFORM\n" );
  code = curl_easy_perform(curl);
  if( code != CURLE_OK ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "perform url '%s' repeat %d failed, curlcode %d\n",
            tdata->url, i, (int)code);

  printf( "CLEANUP\n" );

  return NULL;

/* build request url */
char *suburl(char *base, int i)
  return curl_maprintf("%s000%c", base, 48+i);

/* test function */
int test(char *URL)
  int res;
  CURLSHcode scode;
  char *url;
  struct Tdata tdata;
  CURL *curl;
  CURLSH *share;
  struct curl_slist *headers;
  int i;
  struct userdata user;

  user.text = (char *)"Pigs in space";
  user.counter = 0;
  printf( "GLOBAL_INIT\n" );
  curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_ALL );

  /* prepare share */
  printf( "SHARE_INIT\n" );
  share = curl_share_init();
  scode = curl_share_setopt( share, CURLSHOPT_LOCKFUNC, lock);
  scode += curl_share_setopt( share, CURLSHOPT_UNLOCKFUNC, unlock);
  scode += curl_share_setopt( share, CURLSHOPT_USERDATA, &user);
  printf( "CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE\n" );
  scode += curl_share_setopt( share, CURLSHOPT_SHARE,
  printf( "CURL_LOCK_DATA_DNS\n" );
  scode += curl_share_setopt( share, CURLSHOPT_SHARE, CURL_LOCK_DATA_DNS);

  if(scode) {
    return 2;

  res = 0;

  /* start treads */
  for (i=1; i<=THREADS; i++ ) {
    /* set thread data */
    tdata.url = suburl( URL, i ); /* must be curl_free()d */
    tdata.share = share;

    /* simulate thread, direct call of "thread" function */
    printf( "*** run %d\n",i );
    fire( &tdata );

    curl_free( tdata.url );


  /* fetch a another one and save cookies */
  printf( "*** run %d\n", i );
  curl = curl_easy_init();

  url = suburl( URL, i );
  headers = sethost( NULL );
  curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, (void*)headers );
  curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_URL, url );
  printf( "CURLOPT_SHARE\n" );
  curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_SHARE, share );
  printf( "CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR\n" );
  curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, JAR );

  printf( "PERFORM\n" );
  curl_easy_perform( curl );

  /* try to free share, expect to fail because share is in use*/
  printf( "try SHARE_CLEANUP...\n" );
  scode = curl_share_cleanup( share );
  if ( scode==CURLSHE_OK )
    fprintf(stderr, "curl_share_cleanup succeed but error expected\n");
    share = NULL;
  } else {
    printf( "SHARE_CLEANUP failed, correct\n" );

  /* clean up last handle */
  printf( "CLEANUP\n" );
  curl_easy_cleanup( curl );
  curl_slist_free_all( headers );

  /* free share */
  printf( "SHARE_CLEANUP\n" );
  scode = curl_share_cleanup( share );
  if ( scode!=CURLSHE_OK )
    fprintf(stderr, "curl_share_cleanup failed, code errno %d\n",
  printf( "GLOBAL_CLEANUP\n" );
  return res;
Received on 2006-01-20