cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Concerning Borland Makefiles for C++ Builder 6

From: JCDUS <>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 18:02:08 +0100

Hope this message will help those who want to compile Curl with Borland
C++ Builder 6.

First, you have to set the BCCDIR environment variable, in your shell type :
SET BCCDIR=C:\Progra~1\Borland\CBuilder6\Bin

I experienced a few problems which could be easily solved.
1) Makefile.B32 in /src :
    line 39 should be : LINKLIB = $(BCCDIR)/../Lib/cw32mt.lib
    line 86-88 should be commented.
2) Makefile.B32 in /lib :
    line 43 should be : LINKLIB = $(BCCDIR)/../Lib/cw32mt.lib

3) In the shell, go to the root directory where Curl is unzipped and type :
    make borland



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Received on 2006-02-01