cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


FTP proxy?

From: Armel Asselin <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 16:18:23 +0200


I saw that there are FTP proxies (saw e.g.), such proxies need some kind of tweaking which can be done outside libcurl (the username:password is used to store the target server info such as and the proxy is set in place of server)

I'm sure that many of libcurl users have gone through this, now the question: is there any RFC / standard which tell how non-transparent FTP proxies should be used (is the above trick just Trilent stuff or widespread)?
the idea behind that is that if it was really widepsread/standard maybe it would be cool to have the tricks inside libcurl, rather than outside? and by the way if there is no standard, it is maybe not useful at all to do.

Armel Asselin
Received on 2006-09-13