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Re: Fwd: Bug in curl lead to bug in curlftpfs

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 18:46:57 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, denisgolovan wrote:

> Looking at the ftp server log (proftpd), I see that instead of my user name
> curftpfs (by means of curl) sends each time different URL parts.

You mean with the ftp USER command? If so, I'd suspect something wrong in the
curlftpfs code. However, the verbose output below doesn't show anything like
this. Also, your proftpd log seems to show a lot more than the libcurl verbose
output does which makes this a bit weird. Can you make a full trace of
everything libcurl sends and receives over the ftp control connection when you
see this problem? It can be done if curlftpfs uses the libcurl
CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION option, or you can use wireshark, tcpdump or similar.

Can you use a plain curl command to get and list files on this server? What if
you compile and test one of the libcurl samples such as

if this is a libcurl problem, surely that code fails too?

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Received on 2008-02-14