cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


RE: gsoc2008!

From: Gabriel Kälin <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 09:04:26 +0100


> -----Original Message-----
> Daniel Stenberg
> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 12:36 PM
> To: curl users; libcurl hacking
> Subject: gsoc2008!

> To get good results from Google's Summer of Code, we need a
> fair amount of
> volunteering mentors and we need a good set of interesting
> projects to make
> students get attracted.
> Check the current list of ideas and mentors here:
> Please reply to the proper mailing list only if you want to
> provide further
> ideas or submit yourself as mentor.

I'd like to add a project idea:


The protocol is syntactically quite similar to HTTP, but uses a special encoding/encapsulation of the request body, which consists of HTTP requests and responses. There are several levels of how much there could be covered by the project.

I'm also willing to act as a mentor. While I'm not yet too familiar with the libcurl code, I know ICAP well. I've written a simple client side implementation myself (proprietary and already productive, but not using curl), but it would be nice if curl could support ICAP as well, especially to leverage the connection handling aspect of curl.

Received on 2008-03-03