cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Reading from a stream

From: Robert Bielik <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:06:47 +0100

Stephen Collyer skrev:

> Can't you do this by passing the open stream pointer as CURL_READDATA,
> then using the pointer in the read callback ? I have done exactly
> this with the easy_ interface and it works fine (in my case, however,
> I passed a pointer to an open Qt QFile object).

Yes I could. If I'd get that far that is... thing is that CURL tries to open the file in Curl_getFormData
with fopen(...) which fails and then I don't even get any callbacks at all...

How did you cope with curl_formadd in your case? Did you pass it your QFile object's filename?

Received on 2008-03-27