cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Crypto locking callbacks?

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 08:13:46 -0700

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 04:15:43PM +0200, Matthias Tribulowski wrote:
> is there a reason why curl doesn?t provide an option to set the SSL/CRYPTO
> multi-threading locking callbacks (i.e. CRYPTO_set_locking_callback
> (),CRYPTO_set_id_callback())?

It's TODO item #7.2. The tricky part is to handle all possible SSL libraries'
locking requirements in a portable way.

> We use libcurl in many programs which would mean to modify many parts of the
> code to have it set for all used libcurl instances. Or I modify the (common)
> curl source code, e.g. Curl_ossl_init() seems to be a perfect spot?

Why not just create a common SSL initialization function and call it from
each program that needs it? That avoids you from having to modify libcurl

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-07-30