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Re: Issue throttling transfer speed

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 15:26:41 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, Peter Ashford wrote:

> Now, changing the speed from bounded to unbounded works, but when we go the
> other way (i.e.: throttle back the connection) then the transfer hangs and
> then after a few minutes timeout, curl_easy_perform returns the error
> "Transferred a partial file".
> Does anyone have any idea what we're doing wrong? We've used the VERBOSE
> options and printed out the error string that gets set, but we're not
> getting anywhere.

I'm quite sure that's because that function has not been implemented to allow
the speed to get changed while there's transfer in progress. You probably need
to make sure that the state machine in lib/multi.c doesn't get stuck.

Received on 2008-10-06