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Re: Posting to Yahoo email

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 12:09:50 -0500

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Joe N. <> wrote:

> I am new to curl and facing the same problem as mentioned at
>> In the solution proposed, it is mentioned : "If the
>> page does something magic with javascript, or even with a META Refresh
>> tag, you need to simulate that in your own code."
>> Could not understand this, would need more feeding.
> It means that if Yahoo does more than a simple HTTP POST or similar to send
> their data, then you will have to re-engineer all of that client-side code
> in your application. This isn't a curl problem any more, it's an
> application-protocol question at that point.
> joe

"Meta refresh" tags are used to make a browser reload a web page after some
number of seconds. Sometimes the refresh is set for zero seconds, sometimes
the refresh causes a different page to load. There's info on META Refresh

"magic in javascript" means that some web pages use javascript to create or
alter the next url to load, and then do something like "top.location=newurl"
to jump to the new url.

For example, I've just been looking at a page that uses a couple of
javascript functions to generate a 60+ character random string that gets
added to the end of the new url. Fortunately I was able to edit the page in
my script and run it through a javascript interpreter to get the new url to
handa to curl.

Whether you use a script or a compiled language, you may have to deal with
this kind of thing in order to progress from one page to another.

Ralph Mitchell
Received on 2008-10-26