cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Patch: libcurl for Windows Mobile 6

From: Yang Tse <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 18:05:58 +0200

2009/6/7, Igor Novoseltsev wrote:

> > Which functions, struct definitions, or whatever, does curl/libcurl
> > lack that makes it still require the wcecompat library?
> OpenSSL, ZLIB and my application need wcecompat.
> Therefore I would prefer to use same library to compile all stuff.
> Could you tell, what are the differences between libcurl's wcecompat and
> the original library?

libcurl has no such thing as a wcecompat specific library. So don't
worry you should be able to use wcecompat if you need to, no matter

My original question still holds.

I have the impression that curl/libcurl currently would need very
little from wcecompat in order to build and run properly. Not taking
in account other libraries which can perfectly have whatever

Of course to be able to answaer my question you would have to attempt
to build libcurl without wcecompat nor OpenSSL nor zlib for WindowsCE
and see what fails.

Received on 2009-06-08