cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Installing libcurl on Windows 7

From: Guenter <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:23:53 +0100

Andy Horsman schrieb:
> So I've attempted to move the curl files over to the MinGW includes
> directory where C++ could access it via, #include <curl/curl.h>. I'm
> no longer getting the file or directory not found error when
> compiling, but I'm still not sure which options I should be using.
> I've tried both -DCURL_STATICLIB and -lcurl
depends if you want to link statically, or use the DLL - what used
should link statically against libcurl.a
but if you want to be as close as possible to a Linux devel environment
then Vincent's suggestion for MSYS is probably better for you; using the
static makefiles without configure / bash & co is more meant for only
creating curl and the DLL; if you want to develop with this you will
need to also craft makefiles which mention full path to includes and
libs with -I, -L, -l - unless you copy manually things over like you did
already partly above.


List admin:
Received on 2010-03-15