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I created a C++ wrapper to libcurl (!= curlpp) and worried about memory leaks

From: Patrick Louis <>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 13:15:27 +0200

Dear libcurl mailing list readers,
I'm working on a little c++ wrapper for libcurl which resembles a lot
the python2 module mechanize.Browser()
Here is the link to the library:
It really makes some tasks look relatively easy compared to the
libcurl or curlpp way of doing.
However, I'm not sure about how I managed to not leak memory.
I tried to put in all the destructors the "free" functions but
running valgrind with --leak-check=yes
shows me that there's some bytes that are leaked during the process.
I'm not an expert in debugging but I see that some leaks are from

If someone could clear my mind about that or just lead me to a better
way to do things.
(This email is linked with the valgrind logs.)

Thank you for your prompt support,
Patrick Louis

_Patrick Louis_

List admin:

Received on 2013-02-12