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Re: curl_multi_wait seems to be ignoring timeout

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 00:00:33 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 7 May 2013, Alex Loukissas wrote:

> I'm using the curl_multi interface to make parallel GET requests on a set
> of URLs. I've noticed that at times the call to curl_multi_wait may block
> indefinitely, despite the fact that I'm passing in a value of 1000 (msec)
> to the timeout_ms parameter. Some snippets from my debugger:
> 00000000`0933e5d0 00000001`3f5233d4 ws2_32!select+0x75a
> 00000000`0933e6d0 00000001`3f4fcb28 mag_client!Curl_poll+0x234
> [c:\curl-7.28.1\lib\select.c @ 474]
> 00000000`0933eda0 00000001`3f31f653 mag_client!curl_multi_wait+0x1d8
> [c:\curl-7.28.1\lib\multi.c @ 1029]

Ouch. That seems really strange!

> I've stumbled across a perhaps relevant blog
> post<>,
> which could be related.

> By the way, this was seen on Win7 and my app is using a libcurl 7.28.1,
> statically linked.

We stopped using WSAPoll() already in 7.28.0 so _that_ is not the reason here,
and as you see in your stack trace libcurl called select() ...

List admin:
Received on 2013-05-08