cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Crash in curl_hash_add in iOS

Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 18:33:28 +0000

Hi Daniel

Thanks for the reply.

I put it through Valgrind and it came out ok. The nice thing was that it gave me a reason to build a test app for CentOS (the results from Valgrind in mac-os was really confusing).

Finally I managed to find it out with a bit of persistence and some luck. The error seems to have been caused by that in some very rare conditions 2 worker threads was created. With some minor pthread fixes and assuring that curl was only started and stopped with the complete lifecycle of the app, the problems went away. There are some extremely rare crashes around resolve failures but we are talking about 10 in total over the last 5 days so its nothing and I also have no info to go on.

In general it looks good now, a real pleasure using curl so far.

Have a nice vacation and thanks for all the help


On 02/07/16 12:00, "curl-library on behalf of" < on behalf of> wrote:

>I don't know what tooling you have at hand, but a valgrind style tool would be
>handy. Other than that, try to make an as dumbed-down version as possible of
>your app that still shows the problems and start sprinkling printf/logging
>code or something to see if you can narrow things down.
>If I were you, I'd also try an as similar app as possible under macos as it
>might be an easier environment to debug things in if you just manage to
>trigger the same problem there.


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Received on 2016-07-08