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curl_multi_cleanup(multiCurlPtr); in cpp 9.1 leads core dump

From: hotman eric via curl-library <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 17:46:09 +0800

  i use same code complied in g++7.1.0 it run well
but ,it occurs core dump with g++9.0,error message only core dump,
 volatile std::atomic<bool> needCancel;

 CURL *easyCurlPtr = curl_easy_init();

    CURLM *multiCurlPtr = curl_multi_init();
set easyCurlPtr property,like url ,write_data,etc.
        curl_multi_wait(multiCurlPtr, NULL, 0, 2000, NULL);
        curl_multi_perform(multiCurlPtr, &running_handlers);
    } while (running_handlers > 0 && !needCancel.load());
    int msgs_left = 0;
    CURLMsg *msg = NULL;

    while ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(multiCurlPtr, &msgs_left)) != NULL)

        if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE)
            fillResponse(responsePtr, msg->easy_handle);
            curl_multi_remove_handle(multiCurlPtr, msg->easy_handle);
    curl_multi_cleanup(multiCurlPtr);<------core dump
when the code go into curl_multi_perform(multiCurlPtr, &running_handlers);
i set
it gets core dump if complied with g++ 9.0,but,it run well with g++ 7.1

Received on 2020-07-14