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libcurl configuration for sftp

From: Michael Loutris via curl-library <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2020 18:42:50 -0500 (CDT)

I am trying to securely transfer a file between two windows 10 devices, and I get error 67, "CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED" when calling curl_easy_perform(). All of the curl_easy_setopt() calls return success.

The server has been configured as an SSH server using OpenSSH for Windows 10 and using OpenSSH commands from a Windows command prompt are successful in transferring files.

The code below is below with changes to the user name, password, IP addresses, directories and file names.
I tried the code below commenting out the user password, since we are trying to use keys for authentication.

1. The Server has been configured to use the D: drive. Is it enough that I have /~/ after the user_at_IPaddress? mailto:user_at_IPaddress
2. What kind of debugging would aid in resolving this issue?

void sftp_send()
CURL *pCurlSessionHandle = NULL;
CURLcode eResult = CURLE_OK;
struct curl_slist *psConnect_to = NULL;
FILE *pFileReadHandle = NULL;

pFileReadHandle = fopen( "C:\\Users\\\\.ssh\\client_file_name", "r" );
if ( pFileReadHandle == NULL ) { return -1; }

pCurlSessionHandle = curl_easy_init();

if ( pCurlSessionHandle != NULL )
CString s = NULL; // For DEBUG ONLY!!
psConnect_to = curl_slist_append( NULL, "" );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, psConnect_to );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_URL,
"sftp://REMOTE_SERVER_at_189.76.11.54/~/Users/remote.user_name/dest_file_name" );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_SFTP );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES, CURLSSH_AUTH_PUBLICKEY );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE,
"/Users/" );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_USERNAME, "remote.user_name" );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "Secr3tP4s$word!" );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, NULL );
eResult = curl_easy_setopt( pCurlSessionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, (void *)pFileReadHandle );
eResult = curl_easy_perform( pCurlSessionHandle );
if ( eResult != CURLE_OK )
s.Format("Failed to perform SFTP key file transfer! err=%d", eResult );
curl_easy_cleanup( pCurlSessionHandle );

curl_slist_free_all( psConnect_to );
if ( pFileReadHandle != NULL ) { fclose( pFileReadHandle ); }

Best Regards,

Mike Loutris

Received on 2020-10-14