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[curl:bugs] #758 VMS-Alpha, http-upload not working

From: John Malmberg <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 03:11:17 +0000

LION> newcurl --version
curl 7.31.0 (IA64-HP-VMS) libcurl/7.31.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8w zlib/1.2.8
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: GSS-Negotiate IPv6 Largefile NTLM SSL libz

Post upload of small files that are STREAM_LF are successful.
Record format: Stream_LF, maximum 0 bytes, longest 0 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control

STREAM_LF Tells native VMS tools to treat line feeds in the file as a record delimiter.

Post upload of small file of the format below fails. The curl program hangs.

Record format: Variable length, maximum 0 bytes, longest 5 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control

Variable length means that each record of the file is preceded by a count that indicates how long the record is. No line feed or carriage returns are in the files, a line-feed is appended by the C runtime when the file is read in by the program. For these files, fstat() st_size is 1 byte larger per line than the file that is read in.

** [bugs:#758] VMS-Alpha, http-upload not working**
**Status:** closed-later
**Labels:** http 
**Created:** Mon Aug 18, 2008 04:09 PM UTC by Harald Schwarz
**Last Updated:** Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:16 AM UTC
**Owner:** Daniel Stenberg
On VMS-Alpha: 
When using an http-file-upload the file is not sent to the Server with the correct content-length. 
Sending a file with 511 or less bytes, content-length 512 is used. 
Sending a file with 513 - 1023 bytes, content-length 1024 is used. 
Files with a length of a multiple of 512 Bytes show the correct content-length. Only these files work for upload.
Test-Commands on VMS-Alpha, Linux \(Suse\) and Windows: 
curl --form myfile=@test.ras --trace-ascii testras.log http://my\_web\_test\_server/cgi-bin/ 
curl --form myfile=@test.doc --trace-ascii testdoc.log http://my\_web\_test\_server/cgi-bin/
File test.doc has the size 21.504 \(multiple of 512\) 
File test.ras has the size  5.686 \(not a multiple of 512\).
Using test.doc everything works. 
Using test.ras the Content-Length in the LOG-File differs from the content length on Linux/Windows. 
The receiving program \(in my testcase ""\) says that I have a post-data mismatch.
VMS shows: 
002c: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myfile"; filename="test.ra 
006c: s" 
0070: Content-Type: application/octet-stream 
=&gt; Send data, 6144 bytes \(0x1800\)
Linux + Windows show: 
002c: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myfile"; filename="test.ra 
006c: s" 
0070: Content-Type: application/octet-stream 
=&gt; Send data, 5686 bytes \(0x1636\)
My workaround: I wrote a perl-program to add some bytes to the file to have a multiple of 512 Bytes. The CGI-Program \(\) then reduces the filesize back to the origin.
This workaround works for all files with all sizes - but the error in curl still remains. 
Now I have to say, that I'm not a C-Programmer, so I kindly ask for help.
If you need a VMS-Alpha for testing \(incl. Compiler, ...\), please have a look at 
On VMS-Alpha: before you can use "curl" as a program you have to define a symbol that points to CURL.EXE. 
curl = "$...\[...\]CURL.EXE" 
Then "curl" can be startet as described above.
Used CURL-Version on all systems: 7.18.2.
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Received on 2013-07-15

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