cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Test Script for cURL?

From: Jeff Miller <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:50:06 -0500

I finally got OpenSSL installed on my account along with cURL. I had to
install them beneath my user directory because I am on a shared hosting
server. It seems as though both OpenSSL and cURL were successfully
installed. The only problem I noticed was an error that said something like
SSL directories not found where specified at the last line after running:
./configure --prefix=/home/USERID/curl --with-ssl=/home/USERID/bin

I checked my /home/USERID/bin directory and two files were there: c_rehash
and openssl.

Will cURL work properly when using SSL since that message came up?

Everything came up with OK when running the make for cURL. Is there a
script available that I can run to verify that things are working properly?
Especially with SSL?


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Received on 2001-12-11