cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


(35) error setting cerficate verify locations

From: denis moeller <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:12:41 +0200


I'm kinda new to this. I've read all the docs concerning certificates, but
I cannot seem to get it done right.

There's a server I got to send some values to using GET or POST via SSL3.
They gave me a .p12 file. I'm using the command line version of curl 7.7.1.

I tried this one:
curl -m 120 -3 --cacert file.p12 https://someip/script?var=something

I always get "curl: (35) error setting cerficate verify locations". What is
this? Is curl not able to locate the file? Do I have to install the .p12

If I don't use the certificate, the server responses "You don't have
permission to access ...".

Could anyone point me in the right direction?


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Received on 2003-07-15