cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


cURL crashes after certificate mismatch

From: Andreas Rieke <>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2003 11:59:00 +0100


when using libcurl (version 7.10.8) from a C++ program, I try to
establish a secure connection to an apache web server. I use the
options, and thus, I receive an error „SSL: certificate subject name
'' does not match target host name ''“
when I connect to an address which does not match the address mentioned
in the certificate.

However, since other connection problems are quite normal in TCP/IP
networks, my application tries to connect for a second time. I can see
that the line before calling curl_easy_perform for the second time is
executed, but curl_easy_perform seems to crash since the line after it
is not executed and the process does no longer exist.

My application calls curl_global_init at the beginning, and for each
connection it creates an own handle using curl_easy_init (and
curl_easy_cleanup). Using tcpdump, I can see that several packets are
exchanged for the first connection, but for the second connection, only
a few packets are exchanged.

Thus, I assume that cURL uses a cache where it stores SSL parameters to
avoid a complete SSL handshake each time a new connection to a known
server is established. However, since the first connection ended with a
certificate mismatch, the cached information might not be complete?

Any help for this problem (workarounds or bug fixes) is much



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Received on 2003-12-09