cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Memory leak with curl 7.15.3

From: Sudipto Podder \(GR/EIL\) <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 13:59:47 +0530

I am using curl for the first time and have a small program (see below)
which is posting some requests. When I run this program,I see that the
memory size keeps growing on and on,but am unable to figure out what is
causing this ? Is there something wrong that I am doing or is there any
bug with this version of curl.

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Sudipto Podder

  CURL *theCurl = curl_easy_init();
    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_URL,;
    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_PORT, myPort);
    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,

    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
    char theCookieFile[100];
    snprintf(theCookieFile, 100, "/tmp/cookie%d", (int) getpid());

    curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,theCookieFile);
    while( ! myInterrupt )
        enqueue( myGetCommandDU );


        while( ! myInterrupt && ! myOutqueue->isEmpty() )
            DataUnit *theMessage = myOutqueue->removeFirst();
            int theSize = 0;
            DataUnit *theUnit = 0;
            strstream theSendBuffer;
            strstream theWriteBuffer;


                curl_easy_setopt(theCurl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,

                if( ! (*theMessage)(".sender").isDefined() )
                    (*theMessage)(".sender") = getSender();
                if( ! (*theMessage)(".messageId").isDefined() )
                    (*theMessage)(".messageId") = -1;
                theXmlEncoder.encode(*theMessage, theSendBuffer );
                theSendBuffer.write("\0", 1);
                char* theChars = theSendBuffer.str();

                curl_easy_setopt( theCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
                curl_easy_setopt( theCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE,
theSendBuffer.tellp() - 1 );

                //cerr << "Sending " << theSendBuffer.str() << endl;
                int theResult = curl_easy_perform(theCurl);
                PRINT << "Curl send result: " << theResult << endl;

                theWriteBuffer.put((unsigned char)0);

                if( theWriteBuffer.tellp()-1 > 0 )
                    theUnit = new DataUnit("BGwInternal.UiMessage");
                    char* theWriteChars = theWriteBuffer.str();

                    theXmlDecoder.parseBuffer(*theUnit,theWriteChars ,

                    if( (*theUnit)(".arg.cmd.method") != "STFU" )
                        PRINT << "EventClient recived:\n" << (*theUnit)
<< endl;
                    if( getSender().first('@') == RW_NPOS )
                        // When we start up our .sender is our instance
                        // The first time we do a post there is no
sesion on the manager side,
                        // when the session is created the manager adds
'@' and our address to
                        // our .sender and uses it as .destination when
it sends it back in the reply.
                        // This to make sure we get an appropriate id.
                        setSender( (*theUnit)(".destination") );


                    PRINT << "No response for \"" << theSendBuffer.str()
<< "\"" << endl;

            catch(StandardException& theExc)

                    DataUnit *theReply = new DataUnit

                    DataUnit reply = (*theReply)(".arg.cmdReply");

                    (*theReply)(".sender") =
(*theUnit)(".destination"); // Swap sender/dest in the reply
                    (*theReply)(".destination") = (*theUnit)(".sender");
                    (*theReply)(".messageId") =

                    reply(".status") = reply("commandError");
                    reply(".arg.error") = theExc.information();

                    (*theReply)(".arg") = reply;

                    PRINT << "Reply Command: \"" << endl << (*theReply)
<< "\"" << endl;


                catch(StandardException& theOtherExc)
                    PRINT << "Error printing errormessage: " <<
theOtherExc.information() << endl
                          << "The original error: " <<
theExc.information() << endl;


            delete theMessage;

Received on 2007-05-21