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Re: ftpupload.c example

From: Static Pulse <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:57:31 -0800 (PST)

Tnx for the wuick response, after doing so, I get a warning messages...

--------------------Configuration: ftpupload - Win32 Debug--------------------
E:\curlcpp\libcurl-msvc\docs\examples\ftpupload.c(46) : warning C4013: '_open' undefined; assuming extern returning int
E:\curlcpp\libcurl-msvc\docs\examples\ftpupload.c(48) : warning C4013: '_close' undefined; assuming extern returning int

ftpupload.obj - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)

And when I run the program, it crashes giving me a pop up saying "ftpupload.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." BTW here's the code of line (46) and (48)

 /* get the file size of the local file */
  hd = open(LOCAL_FILE, O_RDONLY) ;
  fstat(hd, &file_info);
  close(hd) ;


Jeff Pohlmeyer <> wrote: On Feb 18, 2008 4:51 AM, Static Pulse wrote:

> When I tried comenting out #include it gives me back an error:
> E:\curlcpp\libcurl-msvc\docs\examples\ftpupload.c(44) : warning C4013:
> 'open' undefined; assuming extern returning int
> E:\curlcpp\libcurl-msvc\docs\examples\ftpupload.c(46) : warning C4013:
> 'close' undefined; assuming extern returning int

I'm not on Windows right now, but maybe if you
add these two lines it will work:

#define open _open
#define close _close

 - Jeff

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