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Lowering VS2008 default build target to Windows 2000

From: Yang Tse <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 20:14:49 +0100

Hi all,

Given all the claims that have stated that VS2008 fully 'supports'
Windows 2000 as a valid build target, and despite the apparent
contradiction with the Windows SDK docs which do not mention Windows
2000 as a valid build target.

Finally there seems to exist a Microsoft definitive answer, copied
below for future reference in case the link changes, which is located
in the following MSDN page:


This page is specific to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/.NET Framework 3.5

Run-Time Library Reference

Windows Platforms (CRT)

The C run-time libraries support Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows
Server 2003, and Windows Vista. All these operating systems support
the Windows Application Programming Interface (API) and provide full
Unicode support. In addition, any Win32 application can use a
multibyte character set (MBCS).


Since VS2008's CRTs support Windows 2000, Windows SDK for VS2008 is
obliged to also support it being officcially mentioned or not.


It seems quite reasonable to lower lib(curl) minimum default build
target from Windows XP down to Windows 2000 when using VS2008.

Someone against this change? Or comments on time schedule for change
to take place?

Received on 2009-02-25