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Re: Build using CMake

From: Piotr Dobrogost <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 01:31:58 +0100

Guenter wrote:

> If we now go anyway with another external tool I think it might also be
> worth to think a minute about using gnu-make for all non-configure
> platforms (the configure-aware platforms use it anyway already)....
> at least for Win32 which is the platform that rised the issue we could
> then catch up all wishes we would like to see...

Very good point.

I was wondering weather it's possible to use gnu-make instead of nmake
as soon as Yang Tse has written this
"MS's nmake string handling capabilities are nonexistent. You can
'concatenate' variable contents, but breaking them down and iterating
over its 'words' is another world."

By the way; is/was there any effort to make auto* tools work under Windows?

As a side note; trying to use only standard tools (nmake) is only good
to some extend. Sometimes it's just better for everyone (both users and
developers) to use better tool than to avoid it at a high cost.

Piotr Dobrogost

Piotr Dobrogost
*** - c++ wrapper for libcurl ***
Received on 2009-03-28