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Re[2]: Is it possible to interrupt SSL certficate exchange phase

From: Íèêèòà Äîðîõèí <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 18:45:41 +0300
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)

Hello Daniel,
Thanks for the responses. Please take a look inline on my comments.
Thanks in advance,
> CURLOPT_TIMEOUT set to 30 sec and CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT set to 10 sec.
> In general they work but there are cases when these settings work
> unreliable and I get overall time up to 50 seconds (connectivity is very
> poor).
> Is it possible the SSL sertificate exchange phase is not limited be
  There are lots of function calls that are assumed to be rather fast and won't
be prematurely aborted with signals if they're not. But I would rather assume
other reasons than that the certificate stuff would be the culprit. Have done
any debugging and measurements that indicate this particular source for this
Daniel, speaking of a bunch of functions you mentioned above, are these functions
have to do with data transmission over the TCP socket connection? If so, then if we
lost Internet connectivity then these functions potentially may timeout after the timeout
value which had been set with CURLOPT_TIMEOUT option. Is it correct?
One more question, who downloads the certificate from the HTTPS server, Libcurl or openssl?
> Is there any way to overcome the problem?
Sure. First we need to identify what part that takes a long time. When we need
to understand why and then how to make it not do that.
Oh, and also please try the most recent libcurl release as well just to be
sure that the problem hasn't been fixed or altered since the version you use.
Daniel, I'm developing for a mobile device which is not available all the time. So I'll
try to investigate the problem and let you know the results, if you are interested.
 Thanks a lot,

List admin:
Received on 2010-07-21