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Re: curl_easy_cmdline ?

From: Tetetest via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 14:46:55 +0300

Hello Daniel,

Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 12:24:22 PM, you wrote:

DS> There are probably tens of thousands of authors in the world who are writing
DS> applications using the libcurl API. In C, PHP, Python, perl, R and other
DS> languages.

Here are some points to discuss:


1. I can see only one obvious use for this feature: it gives a concise
   list of settings to an expert eye, which is way shorter than citing
   the actual code.
   Thus, a libcurl expert can diagnose conflicting/meaningless options


1. Some options cannot be mapped to command-line (think
   CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION and friends). So if the problem is in the
   user's code, the function will not help diagnose it.

2. It is is only needed during debugging. I doubt that any release
   builds will need this feature - thus, it is going to be dead code
   in release builds. I'd make it optional (at least in static release

3. Although the command-line can be passed to curl to reproduce the
   error, it is unlikely to work in other environments. Besides,
   libcurl can be configured in thousands of different ways, so some
   options may work differently on different libcurl builds. What I
   have in mind is mostly different SSL backends, but certainly there
   is more.

4. Curl options may not be familiar to libcurl API users. Maybe we
   should consider CURLOPT_*-related output (e.g., "PATH_AS_IS:1
   PROXY:aaaa PROXYTYPE:HTTP MAXREDIRS:10 ...", etc)? We can also dump
   info that has no direct correspondence with curl command-line

5. The proposed function is consistent with libcurl ideology, but why
   not make it simpler? 'char* curl_easy_cmdline(CURL *easy)' -
   returns either pointer to the newly allocated string or NULL.

5. Maintaining the function in actual state is yet another burden.

Best regards,
Received on 2020-12-02