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Posting to HTTPS pages

From: Martin Arwin <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 00:16:14 +0200


I'm trying to use a PHP script to post a form to a HTTPS page (SSL encrypted) and it wont work. No error message, no result strings returned and no data transfered when checking with print_r(curl_getinfo($curld));.

I have read the threads regarding this problem/issue in this forum and understood that curl.c sometimes needs to be replaced with a newer version along with some other measures

My problem is that I don't have control over the installation of PHP and curl since I am merely using a hosting service for my script.

Can I make a whole new PHP and curl installation on my account of the host? Or is there some other way I can make it work?

My hosting company just answers "Hello how are you?" to complicated questions, so theres no chance of cooperation there...

(my script works fine posting to normal uncrypted http pages using libcurl's curl_init and curl_setopt commands)

Thankful for any ideas comments!



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Received on 2002-05-16