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Callback after http request has been submitted

From: Jeroen Ooms via curl-library <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 20:02:04 +0100

I am looking for a way in libcurl to trigger a callback once, after a
http request has been completely submitted (including upload if any),
but before the server has responded. So basically when we have done
our job, and we are waiting for a (potentially slow) http request to
return a response status.

I tried abusing CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION but I don't think we can
infer from the callback parameters if the request has been fully been
submitted yet. I suppose if we do an upload we could check if ultotal
== ulnow, but for a GET request these are always 0.

What would be a better way?
Received on 2023-12-07