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Re: problems on communicating with a banks server

From: Björn Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 23:38:49 +0200 (CEST)

Tim wrote:

> I guess some things just don't work...even though I gave the bank's servers
> my wrong account details the headers I received was still
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Well, I would expect it to. You need to make a mental separation between HTML
and HTTP. HTML is the data/text that you transfer and HTTP is the protocol
used to transfer it.

HTTP result codes only say basic things about the transfer, such as "file/url
not found" etc. The "200 OK" message above simply means that the data transfer
succeeded - you got a page.

Anything more advanced than that, such as whether the data you submitted in
your last data transfer was satisfactory for the server, will have to go in
the HTML message.

> Guess I will have to check the contents of the page?

I'm afraid so.

Björn Stenberg
Received on 2000-08-09