cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


-G/-I ?

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 10:13:05 -0500

Noticed your (Dnaiels) reference to a 7.9.6-pre3, and wondered why we hadn't heard anything about it on the mailing list, so I perused the changelog, and noticed the following entry:

  Daniel (19 March 2002)
  - Made -G and -I on the same command line cause an error.

What does this mean? As far as I know, -G ("get" parms instead of "post" parms) and -I (HEAD as opposed to POST) are actually valid together. In either a GET or a HEAD request, the URL (including ?..=..&..=.. style of parameters) is passed up to the server, right?

Received on 2002-04-04