cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


https and cookie bug

From: Ole Nomann Thomsen <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:10:50 +0200

Hi, it seems the -c option in conjunction with https protocol is broken.

this: "curl -b nada -c jar https://<url>"

writes a jar with this: path=/ TRUE / TRUE 0 pubcookie_g_req xxx

the "path=/" is wrong and will cause the this command "curl -b jar
https://<url>" to not send any cookie. If I manually remove "path=/" it

The bug is not seen with the http protocol.

Regards, Ole.

PS: Couldn't live without curl :-)

|Tel  |+45 3587 8889              UNI-C               |"I *failed*|
|Fax  |+45 3587 8890       Security/Crypto/PKI        | the Turing|
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|Smail|Ole Nomann Thomsen, UNI-C, Vermundsgade 5, DK-2100 Kbh Ø   |
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