cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Getting the right frame output

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 05:39:52 -0600

As an example of this in action, I have a site here that uses two frames - a menu
frame on the left and a main display frame. Picking 'Login" in the menu frame
causes a login page to be displayed in the display frame. After supplying a
username and password, the display frame is refreshed and among other things the
new page contains a javascript fragment with: ('menu.php3', 'menu');

which updates the menu frame. Not rocket science, but enough to make the menu
frame update invisible to curl.

So, here's an idea - once you've done the POST (login, or whatever) can you go
back and fetch the original frame page again, extract the urls that define the
frame contents, then fetch each one all over again in a controlled manner?

In other words, do the POST and collect any cookies that come back, then
effectively do what a browser would do if you hit the "refresh" or "reload"

Ralph Mitchell

"Roth, Kevin P." wrote:

> If this site is on the internet and not password protected, someone on this
> list would most likely be happy to look through it once. Instructions on
> accessing it would be most helpful.
> Most likely, there is client-side scripting involved that is instructing
> the browser to request updates to other frames. I believe that's the only
> scenario where multiple frames could be updated at once. (could be JavaScript,
> or an ActiveX control or a flash file, but all of these are client-side
> programming).
> curl doesn't understand client-side script...
> To replicate this with curl, you'd either have to discover the pattern
> (assuming it's predictable) or somehow parse their script in your
> controlling program.
> --Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marty Kuhrt [mailto:marty_at_Barra.COM]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 12:24 PM
> When a single POST updates multiple frames, where does all the
> output go? Is the browser doing something behind the scenes that
> I wouldn't be able to duplicate with cURL? I seem to only be
> getting the output from one, seemingly randomly selected, frame
> update when I POST via cURL.
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Received on 2002-12-12