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HTTPS POST problems on new Windows security patch

From: Martin Zemljic <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 19:13:50 +0200

Has anybody knowledge on the following problem:

We use raw post over HTTPS session with user certificate to a windows
Call is created on RH Linux 7.2 with php 4.0.5 compiled curl library
version 7.9.2 (ssl 0.9.6b). (Yes, an old one.)
Thing worked for cca two years, today windows server suddenly decided that
there is a problem with our HTTPS session.

It has been confirmed that we do not have certificate problem, URL
mistyping or routing issue.

Session is killed by server BEFORE sending POST, i.e., curl_exec returns
ERROR condition after exchanging some HTTPS packets.
Windows administrator revealed that they applied a new MS security patch
to the machine, which finds our session dangerous or nonconformant or
illegal, and drops it.

After downgrading windows box things are back again, but the patches will
be applied again soon.

Any suggestion?

Received on 2004-05-01