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Re: How to use curl command line to use ftps?

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 13:10:59 -0700

On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 08:45:20PM +0100, Keith MacDonald wrote:
> I'm a newcomer to curl, so I hope this isn't a dumb question. What is the
> syntax for using a secure FTP connection?
> I couldn't find any examples, so I tried the following command on a Windows
> XP client:
> curl -k -v --user name:passwd

It sounds like you're confusing ftps with sftp. Which is it that your
server is running? curl only supports the former (the latter is a protocol
running over ssh). The syntax depends on the ftps variant supported by
the server. Either

  curl --ftp-ssl --user name:passwd


  curl --user name:passwd ftps://

should do it. You shouldn't need to specify the port number unless you have
an unusual server setup.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2006-09-04