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Re: Behavior of -D and -c options in curl

From: Daniel Beardsmore <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 23:05:34 +0000

imran shaik wrote:
> Hm, am I correct in assuming that all you are trying to achieve is to
> see what cookie data is being written, and then what is being returned
> to the server, as per my suggestion a few days ago? Or is this a new
> problem?
> yeah man, its the same thing. On your suggestion, I was able to find
> that out using -trace-ascii option.
> It shows that in the older version of curl cookies were properly sent
> without using any -b option. I was using -D to get session cookies. The
> site actually redirects twice and sets few more cookies. During every
> redirection it still needs the session cookie.
> In older versions (7.9.8 on Solaris 8, SPARC machine)of curl i see i use
> only -D to dump headers , and proper session cookies were being sent.
> But in the newer version(7.14) the same command fails. From the trace I
> was able to find out that the session cookie was not being sent to the
> server. Once I added the -b option it worked fine. Else it worked fine
> with -c option on both the machines.
> The original problem was cookies being set to a 1970 expiry date and
> NULL value on one machine -- is this still the problem at hand? Since,
> while I don't use cURL, I find it rather confusing why something as
> simple as looking at what cookies were saved, and what cookies were
> returned to the server, is so complicated?
> I can understand that the cookie was being deleted coz proper session
> cookies are not sent as I mentioned above.
> If that is all you're trying to do, I can boot up my iMac and see how to
> do it on that (since cURL ships with OS X).
> Thanks Daniel, Earlier I got confused between two Daniels in the group.
> Even when you mentioned the other daniel, i thought of daniel from the
> bible. Not the one in the group. Sorry, Now I got.
> I got the solution to make both my machines(Sparc and Intel) work. But I
> still want to find out whetehr it was the version that caused the
> problem or was I wrong. Thats why I was posing questions to you guys.
> What I say is:
> Earlier cookie parsing was by default.
> Now its explicit.
> How correct I am? If not what could have been the problem.
> Otherwise, I am really lost as to what the problem is and what you are
> trying to achieve.

Yes, apparently, you wrote all of that. Your blue/black style with no
line breaks is rather confusing when I hit Reply, since I compose in
plain text and Thunderbird has no idea who wrote what.

Anyhow, I think this is starting to make my point about a GUI front-end
for cURL. I still don't follow what you're doing -- seems that there is
an infinite amount of complication to trace a simple task, that even my
shabby GUI tool doesn't make me put up with. Being GUI, the "session"
remains open until I quit the app, and if I want to keep a session
cookie past that point, I just select it, hit Edit and give it an expiry
date (making sure to note that the default date is now -- forget to up
it by a year or whatever and before long a gravestone appears by it to
show that it's expired ;)

And yes, there are at least three Daniels on this list ...
Received on 2007-01-17