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Retrieving page after logging in

From: <>
Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 15:12:57 +0100 (BST)


I've only just started looking at cURL as a means of retrieving pages automatically from a website, but haven't stumbled on the correct way of doing what I want. Hopefully, someone point out how it should be done. It's such a straightforward task but have been unable to locate an example of how to do it.

All I want to do is retrieve a page from a website after logging in. I need to do this from a Windows cmd file.

I presume that all I need to do is issue two calls to cURL, one to login and the other to retrieve the page like this:-

curl -b cookies.txt -d "login=username&password=password" http://abc/
curl -b cookies.txt http://abc/pageid

but it doesn't work....

What am I missing?
Received on 2008-05-07