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Re: FTPS Upload Times Out/Fails

From: Matt Warner <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 14:44:59 -0700

On Aug 28, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> All that fiddling really implies a non-standard FTPS server and
> then of course things are a bit harder.
>> 0000: STOR file.txt
>> <= Recv header, 50 bytes (0x32)
>> 0000: 150 Accepted data connection from **omitted**
>> => Send data, 16384 bytes (0x4000)
>> **data omitted**
>> == Info: FTP response timeout
>> == Info: control connection looks dead
> So how large is the file? Does it look like the whole file gets sent?
> Using curl 7.18.2 with a revent SSL lib?

The file is only about 32KB in size. The debug looks like it's
sending 16KB segments (I see "=> Send data, 16384 bytes (0x4000)").
It's only at the end that I get the FTP response timeout message.

Yes, this is with curl 7.18.2 and OpenSSL 0.9.8h.


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Received on 2008-08-28